FAQ Set #2
Since our last update, we have received more questions and some special requests:
Can attendees raise specific issues
Q: Can we ask that the course address specific issues? Our hearing panels would like more training on assessing credibility. Can we ask that this be addressed in the deliberation and writing session?
A: Yes, we would like to hear what you would like to specifically learn. On the issue of assessing credibility, we are already planning to teach about assessing credibility (at a beginners and experienced level) and how to address credibility adequately in reasons. As part of that session, we will work through a scenario assessing credibility and also look at some cases where hearing panels failed to address credibility at all or did so inadequately.
Whether to wait for a hearing
Q: Our committee hasn't conducted a hearing for many years. Would it be better to wait for a hearing before receiving training?
A: For discipline committees that do not hold hearings regularly or have never held a hearing, learning the basics about hearing theory and procedures is a good way to familiarize a committee with what occurs during a hearing. Hearings are unfamiliar events in most non-lawyers' lives, and the learning curve is steep. Given the serious issues that are decided by discipline committees, a far better approach to ensuring fair (and efficient) hearing is to provide ongoing training for discipline committee members.
Advance work
Q: We heard there may be some advance work required. Is that so?
A: Maybe. We aren't letting that cat out of the bag yet. After registration for the course closes, we will be in contact with the registrants about preparation for the workshop and their team assignments.
Take-away materials
Q: What take-away materials will be provided in the course?
A: A booklet of materials will be provided including some basic application and decision templates, hearing scripts, and key cases for discipline committees to know.
Please also note that we have extended our early-bird rate to April 21st due to people being away over spring break. Registration for this workshop will close on May 1st or when we are fully subscribed. We have 11 seats left.